A vulnerability disclosure policy (VDP), also referred to as a responsible disclosure policy, describes how an organization will handle reports of vulnerabilities submitted by ethical hackers. A VDP must thus be easily identifiable via a simple way, a security.txt notice.
# security.txt, as per RFC 9116 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9116.html) # Please note, this security.txt file is for IRF Uppsala (irfu.se), # and our other sites and public code (*.irfu.se, github.com/irfu/). # Should you find any issues at our headquarters IRF Kiruna (irf.se) then # please have a look at their security.txt file # https://www.irf.se/.well-known/security.txt # Rewards (bounty) only in form of acknowledgements Acknowledgments: https://www.irfu.se/security-acknowledgments.txt Canonical: https://www.irfu.se/.well-known/security.txt # Our security contact info Contact: mailto:security@irfu.se Contact: mailto:jan.karlsson@irfu.se Contact: mailto:thomas.nilsson@irfu.se Contact: tel:+46-18-471-59-43 # PGP key # (Thomas Nilsson, full fingerprint and URL) Encryption: openpgp4fpr:13bb98dcf1836dfa0235b70d9c09781fc6ac9cca Encryption: https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x9c09781fc6ac9cca # Languages (English or Swedish) Preferred-Languages: en, sv # Expire less than a year into the future, ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss) Expires: 2024-05-02T10:30:00Z # All IRF (& IRFU) vacancies (not specifically security related) are adverticed on this page # Hiring: https://www.irf.se/en/about-irf/vacancies/
This policy crawled by Onyphe on the 2021-01-04 is sorted as securitytxt.
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