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Security and privacy are core to Clubhouse's mission and we are excited for the opportunity to work with the security community to help keep our users, customers, employees, and business safe.

Response Targets

Clubhouse will make a best effort to meet the following SLAs for hackers participating in our program:

| Type of Response | SLA in business days |

| ------------- | ------------- |

| First Response | 2 days |

| Time to Triage | 2 days |

| Time to Bounty | 14 days |

| Time to Resolution | depends on severity and complexity |

We’ll try to keep you informed about our progress throughout the process.

Disclosure Policy

  • Please do not discuss any vulnerabilities (even resolved ones) outside of the program without express consent from the organization.

Program Rules

  • Social engineering (e.g. phishing, vishing, smishing) is prohibited.

  • Follow HackerOne's disclosure guidelines.

  • Please provide detailed reports with reproducible steps. If the report is not detailed enough to reproduce the issue, the issue will not be eligible for a reward.

  • Submit one vulnerability per report, unless you need to chain vulnerabilities to provide impact.

  • When duplicates occur, we only award the first report that was received (provided that it can be fully reproduced).

  • Multiple vulnerabilities caused by one underlying issue will be awarded one bounty.

  • Issues that we are already aware of and fixing will not qualify for bounty payout.

Submission Tips

The better your submission, the faster we are able to assess it and determine whether it's eligible for a bounty pay-out! To better enable us to review your submission consider formatting your submission into the following sections:

  • Description - A short description of what you found.

  • Impact - A short description of why this is an issue (ex: An authenticated user is able to crash another user's mobile client).

  • Reproduction Steps - Step-by-step instructions for how we can reproduce the issue. This should be highly detailed and can include supporting material such as HTTP request bodies, pictures, log data, etc.

  • Suggested Remediation - What should we change to fix the issue?

  • Supporting Material - Any other material that will enable us to determine the legitimacy of the vulnerability you found (ex: scripts, videos, log files, etc).

Reports should strive to be written in grammatically correct English.

Scope / Test Plan

Clubhouse considers the following assets to be in-scope for bug bounty:

  • Mobile applications

  • Any assets underneath the following domains:

  • joinclubhouse.com

  • clubhouseapi.com

  • clubhouse.com

  • Any assets that are provably owned by Clubhouse (ie: other pieces of production and corporate infrastructure that we use / own / operate that aren't explicitly underneath the above domains)

==Please do not perform any testing that may result in a text message being sent.==

==Please do not perform any testing that may impact other users on the platform. If you are testing functionality that may be disruptive to other users, please create additional accounts and test the functionality across the accounts that you own.==

==Please do not perform any testing that may impact the availability of our services. If you believe you have found an issue that could impact our availability, reach out and we'll see if we can find a way to work through the hypothesis.==

Mobile Applications

Clubhouse has both Android and iOS applications, found below:

  • Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.clubhouse.app&hl=en_US&gl=US

  • iOS - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/clubhouse-social-audio/id1503133294

The mobile apps and Clubhouse assets they communicate with are considered in-scope.

Clubhouse Web

==URL: clubhouseapi.com==

Our mobile clients are powered by our back-end API, which we collectively refer to as Clubhouse Web. The list of endpoints that are served under our web presence changes all the time, so we suggest reverse engineering either of our mobile clients to get an up-to-date list of all the API endpoints that are exposed.

Areas of Focus

We'd like to put a particular focus on the following areas:

  • Access Controls - Any time that a user can bypass access controls or elevate permissions within our ecosystem. This can be in relation to clubs, rooms, events, moderation, etc.

  • Information Disclosure - Ensuring that our users' data is secure is of utmost importance to us, so any case where data that is not intended to be shared can be accessed is a high priority for us to fix (ie: a user's phone number, email address, etc).

  • Administrative Tooling - As a necessity of doing business we have administrative tooling that allows us to take action on users / channels / events / etc across the platform. If you can find / access / use this administrative tooling, we need to know about it!

  • Infrastructure - Being able to directly access our infrastructure and use it to gain further access would be considered high risk.

Out of scope vulnerabilities

When reporting vulnerabilities, please consider (1) attack scenario / exploitability, and (2) security impact of the bug. The following issues are considered out of scope:

  • Clickjacking on pages with no sensitive actions

  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) on unauthenticated forms or forms with no sensitive actions

  • Attacks requiring MITM or physical access to a user's device.

  • Previously known vulnerable libraries without a working Proof of Concept.

  • Comma Separated Values (CSV) injection without demonstrating a vulnerability.

  • Any activity that could lead to the disruption of our service (DoS).

  • Content spoofing and text injection issues without showing an attack vector/without being able to modify HTML/CSS

  • Rate limiting or bruteforce issues on non-authentication endpoints

  • Missing best practices in Content Security Policy.

  • Missing HttpOnly or Secure flags on cookies

  • Vulnerabilities only affecting users of outdated or unpatched browsers [Less than 2 stable versions behind the latest released stable version]

  • Software version disclosure / Banner identification issues / Descriptive error messages or headers (e.g. stack traces, application or server errors).

  • Public Zero-day vulnerabilities that have had an official patch for less than 1 month will be awarded on a case by case basis.

  • Tabnabbing

Safe Harbor

Any activities conducted in a manner consistent with this policy will be considered authorized conduct and we will not initiate legal action against you. If legal action is initiated by a third party against you in connection with activities conducted under this policy, we will take steps to make it known that your actions were conducted in compliance with this policy.

Thank you for helping keep Clubhouse and our users safe!

Clubhouse looks forward to working with the security community to find vulnerabilities in order to keep our businesses and customers safe.

Disclosure Policy

Program Rules

  • Social engineering (e.g. phishing, vishing, smishing) is prohibited.

  • Follow HackerOne's disclosure guidelines.

  • Please provide detailed reports with reproducible steps. If the report is not detailed enough to reproduce the issue, the issue will not be eligible for a reward.

  • Submit one vulnerability per report, unless you need to chain vulnerabilities to provide impact.

  • When duplicates occur, we only award the first report that was received (provided that it can be fully reproduced).

  • Multiple vulnerabilities caused by one underlying issue will be awarded one bounty.

When reporting vulnerabilities, please consider (1) attack scenario / exploitability, and (2) security impact of the bug. The following issues are considered out of scope:

  • Clickjacking on pages with no sensitive actions

  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) on unauthenticated forms or forms with no sensitive actions

  • Attacks requiring MITM or physical access to a user's device.

  • Previously known vulnerable libraries without a working Proof of Concept.

  • Comma Separated Values (CSV) injection without demonstrating a vulnerability.

  • Missing best practices in SSL/TLS configuration.

  • Any activity that could lead to the disruption of our service (DoS).

  • Content spoofing and text injection issues without showing an attack vector/without being able to modify HTML/CSS

  • Rate limiting or bruteforce issues on non-authentication endpoints

  • Missing best practices in Content Security Policy.

  • Missing HttpOnly or Secure flags on cookies

  • Missing email best practices (Invalid, incomplete or missing SPF/DKIM/DMARC records, etc.)

  • Vulnerabilities only affecting users of outdated or unpatched browsers [Less than 2 stable versions behind the latest released stable version]

  • Software version disclosure / Banner identification issues / Descriptive error messages or headers (e.g. stack traces, application or server errors).

  • Public Zero-day vulnerabilities that have had an official patch for less than 1 month will be awarded on a case by case basis.

  • Tabnabbing

  • Open redirect - unless an additional security impact can be demonstrated

  • Issues that require unlikely user interaction

  • Waitlisted users can call endpoints to access otherwise public information in the app (events, profiles). We don't consider these security issues since this data is public

Safe Harbor

Any activities conducted in a manner consistent with this policy will be considered authorized conduct and we will not initiate legal action against you. If legal action is initiated by a third party against you in connection with activities conducted under this policy, we will take steps to make it known that your actions were conducted in compliance with this policy.


Thank you for helping keep Clubhouse and our users safe!

In Scope

Scope Type Scope Name





Clubhouse Production and Corporate Infrastructure







This program have been found on Hackerone on 2021-11-09.

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