A vulnerability disclosure policy (VDP), also referred to as a responsible disclosure policy, describes how an organization will handle reports of vulnerabilities submitted by ethical hackers. A VDP must thus be easily identifiable via a simple way, a security.txt notice.
# version: 69d5da086094788b157170e7627192444d8cdd5e # British Broadcasting Corporation - reporting security vulnerabilities to the BBC # Please report any security vulnerabilities to us via the contact method(s) below, only after reading our disclosure policy. # Please do not include any sensitive information in your initial message, we'll provide a secure communication method in our reply to you. Contact: mailto:security@bbc.co.uk # Our disclosure policy. By submitting a potential security incident to us, you are implicitly accepting these terms - please read this before submitting: Policy: https://www.bbc.com/backstage/security-disclosure-policy/ # We're continually recruiting, please visit the link below and search for "information security" if you're interested in a career with the BBC in infosec Hiring: https://careerssearch.bbc.co.uk/jobs/search # Setting expires to a far-future date as it doesn't make sense for us to keep updating it Expires: 2037-12-31T00:00:00z # The BBC SOC does have some folks who speak languages other than English, however coverage isn't guaranteed for anything other than English Preferred-Languages: en # Please see https://securitytxt.org/ for details of the specification of this file
This program crawled on the 2020-03-03 is sorted as securitytxt.
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