A vulnerability disclosure policy (VDP), also referred to as a responsible disclosure policy, describes how an organization will handle reports of vulnerabilities submitted by ethical hackers. A VDP must thus be easily identifiable via a simple way, a security.txt notice.
Contact: mailto:security@senbax.computer Expires: 2022-03-31T23:59:00.000Z Preferred-Languages: en, de .::-===+++++. =*++++===-::. .:-=++********+++++. =**++**********+=-:. .:=+*####***************. =*##**********######**=-: .-+*#####**********#####****. =*##%%#################%##*=:. .-+*#%######***######**********#. =*##########%%%%%#########%%%#*=: =%%%#######**##*+=-::... -****###: =*####%+ ...::-=+*#%%#########%%%#= -%######**##*=:. -***####: =*####%+ .:=*#%#########%- #####****=: -***###%: =*#####+ .-*#####*### +%###**** :*++###%: =*#####+ -#####*#%= .#####***: :*++#%#%: =*#####= *####**##. +####***+ :*++#%#%: =*#####= .*####**#= .####**+++=-:. :*++#%#%: =*###*#= :-++*## =###********++=:. :**+#%#%: =*##**#= .-: :-+*#####****++++=-. .:-*%%%: =*##**#= . .-+*######***++++=-. .-+. =*##***= -*=-. .-+*#%%%###***+++=-: =*##***= =##*+=-. .-=*#%%%%###**+**. =*##***= +#***+*+ .:=*#%####+++. =*##***= +#**++++ -**##+++. =*##***= +#**++++ :**##+++. =*##***= +##*++++. :**##+++. =*##***= :=-. =##*++++: :**##+++. =*##**#= -******=: -##*++++- :**##+++. =*##**#= :+****##%#. :*##*++++: :**##+++. =*##**#= .=#***##%%= .+##*+++*=.:**##+++. =*#####=.=##**###%#: -#%#*+++++**##++*. =*#####*###*#####= .+%#**++++*##++*. =*#############*: :*%#**++++*++*. =*########*##*- -#%#**+*****. =*#####***#*- -#%%#*****. =*###***#*- -*%%#***. =******+: :*%%#*. =****=. .=#%. =*=: :. .. .=+#%%%%#*=: .****#####*#- -****+ +**= -****##**+=-. =****= :***+ +***: -%%%#+--=+#%#: :%%%#+++++++. =%%%%%= #%%+ =%%%*+++*#%%%+ :%%%%%%: -%%%* +%%%- #%## . :%#%= =%%*#%%- *%%+ -%#%- +%#@- *%%-=%%* :#%%* +%%#. *%##+: :%#%= =%%+:%#%: *%%+ -%#%- *%%%. =%%# ##%= .#%%++%%* .+#%@%#*+=:. :%#%*======. =%%# -%#%. *%%+ -%#%*+++*#%*= .%#%- =%#%. *%%%%+ .:=+#%%@%#+. :%#%#######: =%%# +%%#. *%%+ -%#%#****#%#+- *%%* *%%* .*%%%%*. .:+#%%#. :%#%+ =%## +%%# +%%+ -%#%- :#%%# -%#%+----*%#%- .#%%=+%%#. *%#%: :%#%+ =%## *%%+=%%+ -%#%- *%#%: #%%##%%%%##%%# :#%%+ *%%#: .+*-. .-#%%# :%#%+ =%## .#%###%+ -%#%= .:=%%%# +%#%: -%#%= :%#%+ *%#%: :*%@%%###%@%#+. :@%%%%%%%%%%* =@%% .%%%%@+ =@%%%%%%%%%#*= :%%@+ *%%%:-@%%+ *%%%= .:-=+++=-: .-----------: .--- .----: .-------::.. :---. .---:---- ---- :----: :----: -- :- .-----: :: -. :--------. .------. .-----: -*-...:- :*-....-*: .##- .##: -#...:-*: *+ #- ....*+... :%..... +*...:=*. :#. .#. .#. :*.# *:+= -* =# += #- += :# =+ #+ ++ =* *= =+ =+ -+ =+ -* .*= += #- += :#:::-: =*....=*. ++ =* *= += *: #. :# -#----=: += #- += :#...:. =*::=%: :#. .%. .#. *: .**- .# -* ++ #: += :# =+ -*. -*-...:-. :*-....-*: %. -= #: -# .*-...:++ *= :%...... +* :#: :----: :----: - :. .: :----: :. ------: .: .-
This policy crawled by Onyphe on the 2022-05-01 is sorted as securitytxt.
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