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zetetic :

Security and Responsible Disclosure

We take security reports seriously, and we sincerely appreciate private advanced notification of issues, in a responsible manner, before public disclosures that could put users at risk.

If you discover a security issue with Zetetic software or services, please email immediately at support@zetetic.net. If the security issue is of a sensitive nature, please encrypt any communications using the PGP key below.

Upon receipt of the report, our team will work closely with you to ensure that we understand the scope and impact of the problem, and will make resolution of security issues our highest priority. Provided that you act in good faith towards our user's security, privacy, and data we will not take legal or administrative action against you.

PGP Encrypted Email

Use the following link to download Zetetic's support public key.

Public Key: Zetetic LLC support@zetetic.net

Before you import the key into your keyring, please verify the fingerprint of the key with the following command:

    gpg --with-fingerprint support_zetetic_net_public_key.gpg

This should print the following information, please verify the fingerprint matches:

    pub  4096R/97ED25C2 2014-04-22 [expires: 2018-04-20]

          Key fingerprint = D83F 5F9E B811 D6E6 B4A0  D9C5 D1FA 3A2A 97ED 25C2

    uid                            Zetetic LLC <support@zetetic.net>

    sub  3072R/67FD0322 2014-04-22 [expires: 2018-04-20]

    sub  3072R/D4DFEDA7 2014-04-22 [expires: 2018-04-20]

    sub  3072R/B1C49DF6 2014-04-22 [expires: 2018-04-20]

Alternatively, you can request the key from a key server through the following command, below we will use the sks keyservers pool.

    gpg --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys D1FA3A2A97ED25C2

This program crawled on the 2015-06-30 is sorted as cvd.

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