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A vulnerability disclosure policy (VDP), also referred to as a responsible disclosure policy, describes how an organization will handle reports of vulnerabilities submitted by ethical hackers. A VDP must thus be easily identifiable via a simple way, a security.txt notice.

# Found an application bug or a security vulnerability?
# You can report to

Contact: mailto:jio.bugsreporting@jio.com

# What we do once an application bug or security vulnerability is reported to us?

# Jio encourages responsible disclosure of security bugs by security researchers.
# All bugs or security vulnerabilities reported to us will be analysed and evaluated by our Application Security Experts
# who will then work along with you to address and fix them.
# Based on the impact and severity of the reported bug you may also become eligible for a reward under our Bug Bounty Program.

This policy crawled by Onyphe on the 2024-05-31 is sorted as securitytxt.

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